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Moving with Momentum

By July 20, 2013December 17th, 20142013 Young Dancers in Motion

In a past post, I noted how meaningful it was to hear concepts from class reinforced in Doug Varone’s Show & Tell demonstration. I love how some concepts are constantly being reinforced and almost unintentionally. The word I have been thinking the most about this week is momentum. I first heard this coming up in Heidi Henderson’s class on Tuesday. She was urging her students to use the momentum of a previous movement to rocket themselves into the next.

That night, during Doug Varone and Dancer’s Show & Tell, Julia Burrer described this same idea of momentum. One of our audience members asked during the Q&A how the dancers are able to dance so strong, grounded and forceful but also maintain a lightness and grace.  She explained that the momentum of the movement is what allows them to move with so much energy. Like a roller coaster there are moments of strength and force to get you to the top, but then there are down slopes, curves and loop-de-loops as well. It’s a rush to be caught in that exhilarating momentum.

All of our Young Dancers on their last day!

All of our Young Dancers on their last day!

I think this a great reflection of our experiences at the young dancers workshop. Remembering the ups, downs, curves and loops of this experience seems like such a blur already. We were really caught in the momentum that is the festival, propelling ourselves from one class or event to the next.

And I hope that this momentum continues. That the ideas, concepts and dreams planted here continue to bloom as our students travel back home. And for those of us still at the festival, I hope that this momentum will advance us into a fruitful few weeks with the Professional Training Program.

-Posted by Caroline Barna. Caroline is BDF’s Social Media Intern for the 2013 summer.