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Postmodern Moves 4

Kendra Portier

This class indulges in the dynamic forces between what we call past and future, known and unknown, collective and individual. It is a relational practice, filled with constantly moving and regenerating energies, where attuning to the sensations of one’s body in motion initiates discovery and a sense of contemporaneity. We will mobilize in and out of the floor, with and without each other. We will explore the utility and possibility of a range of release-based, weight-sharing, improvisational, and heat-building techniques. Through form, function, and vibrancy, we will cultivate ways of dancing that build compassionate grit, illuminate curiosity, and feel really freakin’ good.

As an intermediate/advanced technique class, we will focus on active negotiations of movement tenets and modalities, layering in complexity and expressivity in increasingly personalized and collective ways.